Final Review

Michelle's Walk

Listening to it through the first time with Google Maps, lemme tell ya: Google Maps is a pain. I quite enjoyed the audio, but with the position of some of the locations I felt locked out of some areas. Sort of like looking in through a window. Theo's, for example, was completely inaccessible. That said, it was incredibly helpful to figure out in more detail visually what I was looking for when I set out for real. Additionally, the triangulation map made it make a lot more sense! Here are some screenshots:

Walking through in the real world was a lot more interesting. I loved being able to understand more when you spoke specifically to the more romantic descriptions of the area. I wish there were more of these moments! Locations like the ending at Honeyman's felt sort of abrupt without them, as if there wasn't quite a purpose to going there. However, there were places like Hot Lips and Theo's that opened up really interesting areas that were otherwise unavailable. Here are some photos:

Overall, I think the algorithm itself was the most interesting part. I think it would have been a little difficult for me to understand without the map, but I think the addition of that laid out with diagrams was superb. I quite enjoyed it!

Sarah's Walk

Gotta love Google Maps! Since the walk took place indoors, it was understandably inaccessible. One day, maybe they'll add virtual interiors to Streetview and we can walk it out digitally.

That said, I don't think I'd have it any other way! This was a wonderfully personal experience, and I loved every second of it. I had to run through some sections a couple times to properly navigate the more crowded areas (you weren't kidding about the Gold Room!), but all in all it was easy to follow. At one point you say "Rose Room" instead of "Orange Room" and go on a little ramble about how "from the other way it could be a door to the Rose Room", and while it was awkward at first I'm glad you kept it. It made it feel more like you were there with me. I also really appreciated how intimate the photos I took were; The subjects you focused on create a unique experience every time you arrive. I thought it was wonderful. And of course, here are some of the photos: